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Creative Ways to Encourage Children to Succeed in School

Creative Ways to Encourage Children to Succeed in School

Tips and ideas critical to social, academic, and emotional development from The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation to foster your child’s success in the classroom.

How to Get the Most Out of College

How to Get the Most Out of College

All college campuses offer some sort of campus life opportunities and a plethora of academic resources — academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually for their students.

Introducing Your High School Students to Options Other Than College

As your high school student begins to discover his or her interests and options for a career, college is the most common option. However, there are other paths your child can take after high school that can cater to his or her interests and offers a fruitful learning experience and preparation for a rewarding career. If your high school student is not interested in pursuing higher education, it’s important to present options that are just as exciting.

From trade schools to entrepreneurship opportunities, your high school student can find inspiration and motivation to succeed after secondary education. Here are some options to consider.

trade school job applicant

Trade Schools

Trade schools, also referred to as vocational schools, offer your child a career-focused program in a variety of fields. When attending a trade school, students receive hands-on training and hands-on experience in a field they are seeking. Most trade schools do not require general education courses that colleges require, and instead focus on industry preparation and experience.

High school students interested in trade schools have several options when it comes to a field or discipline. For instance, some trade schools focus on preparing students for the manufacturing, construction and technology fields. Other trades schools focus on healthcare fields with clinical hours required in medical settings.

There are also trade schools focused on the liberal arts that can prepare your child for a career in art or music, as well as trade schools that prepare students for a career in cosmetology, electrical work, automotive, welding, law enforcement, animal care, dental clinics, food services and hospitality. The best way to determine if a trade school is a viable option is to schedule a tour and visit to see the ins and outs of the program. Inquire about job placement and financial scholarships available, as well as the length of the program, which is not as lengthy as a four-year university or college.

Self-Paced Programs

Similar to online schools, a self-paced program can prepare high school graduates for a variety of careers. Certain jobs do not require formal education, so a self-paced learning program may be the best option. For instance, students interested in illustration and animation, computer programming and coding, design, or video production can teach themselves the skills with free online resources or opt for a paid program through an accredited institution online.

Many of these self-paced programs also offer live instructors and training on how to be an entrepreneur. This approach allows your student to take their education and career training into their own hands.

Travel Careers

For students who love to travel and explore their options elsewhere, a travel career might be a satisfying alternative to college. While you may need the funds to begin a journey, travel careers could involve working on a cruise ship to learn a new skill, taking scenic photographs for magazines, newspapers and online companies, or engage in travel writing as a freelancer. This alternative to college does take some planning and resources but can offer your child a cultural experience that college cannot provide.


If your child is confident in working in a trade, it may not even be necessary to enroll in a trade school if an apprenticeship is available. For instance, owners of plumbing firms, electricians and HVAC professionals are often looking for students to train and eventually take on a more prominent role within their companies.

While an apprenticeship can be paid or unpaid, students gain from on-the-job experiences and learn a new trade from the experts. If they do well, they also have a confirmed job long-term, typically.

Military Options

Many high school students opt to enter the military following high school vs attending college. This is a serious commitment, though, and takes some time and careful consideration. With several branches of the military, it’s important to meet with recruiters from each branch to learn about the qualifications needed to enlist and the expectations during service.

Enlisting in the military can provide your student with a strong foundation and additional funds to attend a trade school or college in the future. Joining the military gives individuals an opportunity to train for a variety of fields, including aviation, engineering, human resources and computer networking. This commitment also requires the ability to work well with others and make sacrifices for the country.


Students with a business idea and the resources to launch a start-up or company may love what comes with entrepreneurship. This alternative to college may involve turning a hobby into a career and providing products and/or services to the community. The best way to begin this journey is to think about your child’s basic skills, knowledge of business and marketing, and ability to put ideas into action.

Even a small company can develop into something much larger with hard work and commitment. To prepare, you may want to encourage your student to take a marketing or business seminar or workshop at a local community center or vocational-technical college to see if he or she enjoys what lies ahead with entrepreneurship.


Many high school students have part-time jobs while attending classes. These part-time jobs can lead to bigger and better opportunities if your child is interested in management. Think about how to prepare for management by having your child inquire about the opportunities, benefits and proposed salaries of management at his or her current job.

Many companies in a variety of industries are looking for strong leaders to rise from the ranks. If this is something that sounds appealing to your student, suggest he or she shadow a manager in his or her desired field to see what the job entails. It may also be helpful to enroll in a management class, workshop or seminar to learn more about what is expected of leaders in today’s workforce.

Helping Your High School Student Make the Best Choice

Now that you’re aware of the alternatives to college for your child, it’s time to dig deeper. Before making a final choice, consider the following:

  1. What is the best learning environment for your student? Evaluate how your child learns and what type of environment would enhance learning. For example, does your high school student thrive in a self-paced environment or is hands-on learning much more beneficial?

  2. What are the job opportunities? Ultimately, the goal is a career after high school. Do some research to determine the job opportunities in his or her chosen field, including researching salary expectations, job satisfaction, and job environments.

  3. What did you observe? It’s very important to visit potential trade schools and apprentice opportunities when determining alternatives to college. Have your child make a list of what he or she liked about the program and then help him or her make an informed decision. All of these observations can help you to assess whether or not the option is a good fit for your child. You can also trust your gut feeling following a visit.

  4. What does your student want? Although the ultimate decision may not be left up to your child completely, it’s important to get his or her insight, especially when visiting trade schools or military recruiters. Did your child seem more enthused about one option versus another? Sit down with your child to truly see what he or she is comfortable with before making a final decision. You may be surprised that your child’s gut feeling is just as strong as yours.

Financial Support for Educational Endeavors

You are not alone when choosing the right college alternative for your child. In fact, the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is here to help make any type of educational or career transition as smooth as possible for adults and children alike.

The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is available to assist with furthering involvement in educational endeavors and student success. The mission of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is to build foundations for the future by providing educational assistance to children and adults who are members of families with low to moderate incomes. Learn more about these opportunities at

Choosing the Right School for Your Child

As your high school student begins to discover his or her interests and options for a career, college is the most common option. However, there are other paths your child can take after high school that can cater to his or her interests and offer a fruitful learning experience and preparation for a rewarding career. If your high school student is not interested in pursuing higher education, it’s important to present options that are just as exciting.

From trade schools to entrepreneurship opportunities, your high school student can find inspiration and motivation to succeed after secondary education. Here are some options to consider.

Trade Schools

Trade schools also referred to as vocational schools, offer your child a career-focused program in a variety of fields. When attending a trade school, students receive hands-on training and hands-on experience in a field they are seeking. Most trade schools do not require general education courses that colleges require, and instead focus on industry preparation and experience.

High school students interested in trade schools have several options when it comes to a field or discipline. For instance, some trade schools focus on preparing students for the manufacturing, construction and technology fields. Other trades schools focus on healthcare fields with clinical hours required in medical settings.

There are also trade schools focused on the liberal arts that can prepare your child for a career in art or music, as well as trade schools that prepare students for a career in cosmetology, electrical work, automotive, welding, law enforcement, animal care, dental clinics, food services and hospitality. The best way to determine if a trade school is a viable option is to schedule a tour and visit to see the ins and outs of the program. Inquire about job placement and financial scholarships available, as well as the length of the program, which is not as lengthy as a four-year university or college.

Self-Paced Programs

Similar to online schools, a self-paced program can prepare high school graduates for a variety of careers. Certain jobs do not require formal education, so a self-paced learning program may be the best option. For instance, students interested in illustration and animation, computer programming and coding, design, or video production can teach themselves the skills with free online resources or opt for a paid program through an accredited institution online.

Many of these self-paced programs also offer live instructors and training on how to be an entrepreneur. This approach allows your student to take their education and career training into their own hands.

Travel Careers

For students who love to travel and explore their options elsewhere, a travel career might be a satisfying alternative to college. While you may need the funds to begin a journey, travel careers could involve working on a cruise ship to learn a new skill, taking scenic photographs for magazines, newspapers and online companies, or engage in travel writing as a freelancer. This alternative to college does take some planning and resources but can offer your child a cultural experience that college cannot provide.


If your child is confident in working in a trade, it may not even be necessary to enroll in a trade school if an apprenticeship is available. For instance, owners of plumbing firms, electricians and HVAC professionals are often looking for students to train and eventually take on a more prominent role within their companies. 

While an apprenticeship can be paid or unpaid, students gain from on-the-job experiences and learn a new trade from the experts. If they do well, they also have a confirmed job long-term, typically.

Military Options

Many high school students opt to enter the military following high school vs attending college. This is a serious commitment, though, and takes some time and careful consideration. With several branches of the military, it’s important to meet with recruiters from each branch to learn about the qualifications needed to enlist and the expectations during service. 

Enlisting in the military can provide your student with a strong foundation and additional funds to attend a trade school or college in the future. Joining the military gives individuals an opportunity to train for a variety of fields, including aviation, engineering, human resources and computer networking. This commitment also requires the ability to work well with others and make sacrifices for the country. 


Students with a business idea and the resources to launch a start-up or company may love what comes with entrepreneurship. This alternative to college may involve turning a hobby into a career and providing products and/or services to the community. The best way to begin this journey is to think about your child’s basic skills, knowledge of business and marketing, and ability to put ideas into action. 

Even a small company can develop into something much larger with hard work and commitment. To prepare, you may want to encourage your student to take a marketing or business seminar or workshop at a local community center or vocational-technical college to see if he or she enjoys what lies ahead with entrepreneurship. 


Many high school students have part-time jobs while attending classes. These part-time jobs can lead to bigger and better opportunities if your child is interested in management. Think about how to prepare for management by having your child inquire about the opportunities, benefits and proposed salaries of management at his or her current job. 

Many companies in a variety of industries are looking for strong leaders to rise from the ranks. If this is something that sounds appealing to your student, suggest he or she shadow a manager in his or her desired field to see what the job entails. It may also be helpful to enroll in a management class, workshop or seminar to learn more about what is expected of leaders in today’s workforce. 

Helping Your High School Student Make the Best Choice

Now that you’re aware of the alternatives to college for your child, it’s time to dig deeper. Before making a final choice, consider the following:

  1. What is the best learning environment for your student? Evaluate how your child learns and what type of environment would enhance learning. For example, does your high school student thrive in a self-paced environment or is hands-on learning much more beneficial?

  2. What are the job opportunities? Ultimately, the goal is a career after high school. Do some research to determine the job opportunities in his or her chosen field, including researching salary expectations, job satisfaction, and job environments.

  3. What did you observe? It’s very important to visit potential trade schools and apprentice opportunities when determining alternatives to college. Have your child make a list of what he or she liked about the program and then help him or her make an informed decision. All of these observations can help you to assess whether or not the option is a good fit for your child. You can also trust your gut feeling following a visit.

What does your student want? Although the ultimate decision may not be left up to your child completely, it’s important to get his or her insight, especially when visiting trade schools or military recruiters. Did your child seem more enthused about one option versus another? Sit down with your child to truly see what he or she is comfortable with before making a final decision. You may be surprised that your child’s gut feeling is just as strong as yours.

Financial Support for Educational Endeavors

You are not alone when choosing the right college alternative for your child. In fact, the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is here to help make any type of educational or career transition as smooth as possible for adults and children alike.

The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is available to assist with furthering involvement in educational endeavors and student success. The mission of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is to build foundations for the future by providing educational assistance to children and adults who are members of families with low to moderate incomes. Learn more about these opportunities at

How to Encourage Your Student to Succeed

Target: K-12 Parents/Students

Finding motivation can be difficult at any age. In fact, the past year and a half have been difficult on students K-12 with so many changes to how learning has taken place. If you’ve noticed that your child is struggling to find the motivation to succeed in school, the Leon K. Weiner Foundation is here to help provide you with the steps to help students succeed.

Monitoring homework is a great motivator for a child struggling to succeed in school, the Leon K. Weiner Foundation is here to help provide you with the steps to help students succeed.

8 Ways to Help Your Student Succeed in the Classroom

As parents or guardians, how you foster your child’s success at home matters. Setting an example of positivity and hard work is a solid start but getting involved at your child’s school and committing to educational goals can significantly impact how your child learns. Consider these tips for helping your child succeed in the classroom.

  • Form a Partnership with Teachers: Getting to know your child’s teachers showcases your commitment to your student’s success in the classroom. Make an appointment to meet each teacher and discuss how your child learns; everyone has their own learning style. Attend all parent-teacher conferences to discuss progress and don’t be shy about emailing or calling teachers when your child needs extra help.

  • Stay on Top of Progress: The more you know about how your child is performing academically, the more you can provide emotional support and encouragement. Most schools offer an online platform to survey grades and progress. Check this weekly, as there may be missing homework or other assignments that can be turned in for credit. You can also contact your child’s teacher to see which subjects pose the most challenges for your child and together you can create a plan of action.

  • Find the Help Your Child Needs: In addition to teacher support, schools also offer special services when needed. If you suspect your child may be struggling with behavior or learning disabilities, inquire about the help that is available through the school district. Your child may need to be tested for learning differences/disabilities and may qualify for free support. Or you may want to hire a 1:1 tutor to build confidence, self-esteem, and skills.

  • Monitor Homework: Part of helping your student succeed involves knowing his or her workload. Make sure that you communicate with your child daily about assignments due and ways to prepare for upcoming quizzes and tests. Be sure to see exactly what the teacher assigned, not just what your child interprets for you.

  • Teach Study Skills: In many cases, students struggle academically because they are unaware of study strategies. Take a proactive stance in your child’s educational endeavors by teaching study skills such as outlining, notetaking, organization, time management, memory techniques, test preparation, and test-taking. Share strategies that have worked for you, or hire a professional, and consistently implement these skills at home.

  • Ask Questions: If you have questions or concerns about assignments or expectations, it’s likely your child does, too. Be an advocate for your learner and ask questions when they arise. While most parents can direct questions directly to the classroom teacher, sometimes a school counselor or school psychologist will need to be involved.

  • Be Positive: Positivity is contagious. Your child will pick up on when you feel frustrated, too. When discussing academics and assignments or offering homework help, maintain a positive attitude, even when this is difficult to do, so your child does the same. When approaching challenging tasks with a positive attitude, it’s easier to find a solution when you have the right frame of mind.

  • Encourage Responsibility: The reality is that you can’t take on the difficult tasks for your student. Show that you support his or her endeavors but encourage independence and responsibility when completing the tasks.

The Ultimate Support System

The key element in supporting your child is to show him or her that you are along for the journey, like a teammate. Having a support system not only helps to encourage positivity, but also helps your child learn that he or she has a helping hand when needed.

The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is also available to assist with furthering involvement in educational endeavors and student success. The mission of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is to build foundations for the future by providing educational assistance to children and adults who are members of families with low to moderate incomes. Learn more about these opportunities at

The Benefits of Earning a High School Diploma

In many cases, missed opportunities can lead to misfortunes. If it’s been years since you missed the opportunity to earn your high school diploma, the opportunity has not passed. In fact, there are many financial, academic and social benefits to returning to school to receive that much-needed certificate. 

While work obligations and financial strain leads many to put off their quest to earn a high school diploma, it’s possible with the help of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation. Our organization is pleased to announce the online high school diploma tuition scholarship as part of our partnership with Career Online High School in Ohio to provide free tuition to students who are 16 years of age or older and want to earn their high school diploma. 

To qualify, you must be a resident in good standing of a property owned by Leon N. Weiner & Associates or managed by Arbor Management, LLC and a U.S. citizen or legal resident of the U.S. Let’s explore the benefits of earning a high school diploma. 

With the help of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation it is possible to earn a High School Diploma.

Financial Stability

Did you know that individuals who possess a high school diploma earn more than those who do not have this certificate? On average, high school graduates earn typically $4 more per hour than individuals who do not have a high school diploma, according to the Economic Policy Institute. To break this down further, you could earn a minimum of $10,000 more each year than those who do not have a high school diploma, according to U.S. Census Bureau reports. 

A higher paycheck allows you the financial freedom to support yourself and a family while also opening the door to advance within your chosen career. It’s also more likely that you will qualify for positions that offer retirement plans or pensions to safeguard your financial future. 

Career Opportunities

Without a high school diploma, many individuals struggle to find work that pays a living wage. Not only does a high school diploma provide you with lifelong skills and knowledge to make more informed decisions, but it also boosts your opportunities within a variety of industries. Employers are seeking individuals who have graduated high school because it showcases that you’ve gained a knowledge base necessary for problem-solving and critical thinking. 

In addition, a high school diploma opens the door to further your education. For instance, if you plan to enter the restaurant industry, many employers may assist with paying for continuing education, college or management classes that enhance your skills to advance within the company. 

According to recent unemployment rates, an individual with a high school diploma is more likely to be employed when compared to those without high school diplomas. Continuing your education reduces your risk of unemployment. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate averages at 2.5 percent for college graduates, 5.3 percent for individuals with a high school diploma, and 7.7 percent for individuals who have not graduated high school. When considering the statistics, it’s clear to see that the more education you obtain, the more employable you will be over time. 

One benefit to a high school diploma that is overlooked is how it can improve your health long term. When you qualify for better career opportunities, it’s more likely that you will have access to health insurance and medical care provided and paid for by your employer. Not only will you enhance your skills and emerge as a more well-rounded person after obtaining a high school diploma, but you will also have more access to the healthcare necessary to improve your quality of life. 

Enhanced Skill Set

One misconception is that you must have a college degree to perform well on the job. Although continued education offers many benefits, a high school diploma sets the foundation for your learning. Employers know that individuals with a high school diploma have put in the work necessary to graduate and they understand that you’ve gained practical skills and life skills by achieving this goal. Obtaining a high school diploma requires dedication and hard work, which are skills and traits that employers seek out. 

Combined with on-the-job experience and your past employment history, earning a high school diploma sets you apart from other applicants when applying for entry-level or mid-level positions. Your education showcases that you are willing to learn, which is a strong transferrable skill that employers in every industry seek out in job candidates. Earning a high school diploma is a commitment. Achieving this goal shows employers that when you are committed to a task – no matter how difficult – you follow through.

A Pathway to College

If you dream of obtaining a college degree, the first step is to earn your high school diploma. This certificate affords you the skills and knowledge to not only succeed in your chosen career path, but also continue your education at a college or university. In many cases, colleges prefer or require a high school diploma for admission. This gives you more of an opportunity to expand your knowledge base, but also increases your earning potential and job opportunities. 

Many colleges and universities offer two-to-four-year programs with accelerated degree options and certificate programs within a variety of industry specializations. From culinary classes to general education courses, the sky is the limit when you have your high school diploma needed for college admission. 

A Sense of Accomplishment

While it’s common to seek out earning a high school diploma for career advancement and financial stability, don’t underestimate the sense of accomplishment and pride you will experience after meeting this goal. A high school diploma program takes dedication and commitment that is worth the end result. As you finish each homework assignment, test, presentation, or group project, you will have a sense of pride that offers intrinsic rewards that only you can offer yourself. 

Learning to balance home, work and school life can be a challenge. However, it is something you can achieve. When working with a personal mentor from our partners at Career Online High School, you will learn more about the effort and commitment needed to succeed. Having a helping hand along for the journey provides you with the motivation you need to excel academically and financially. 

Tuition Assistance for a High School Diploma

The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation has partnered with Career Online High School to offer tuition assistance for residents of our properties. You can earn a high school diploma in as little as 10-18 months by dedicating 10-12 hours each week to your studies. Through this high school diploma assistance program, students must complete eight lessons or one semester per week to stay on pace and earn one credit per month. 

The scholarship requirements require that you complete the first half-credit within the first two weeks to ‘test drive’ the program. The first 30 days serves as a probationary period. If you’re apprehensive about the workload, know that Career Online High School offers academic support. Once you are enrolled in Part 2 of the program, you are assigned an academic coach who will guide you through the program and help you establish academic and career goals. 

If you have earned some credits at an accredited high school, you also may qualify for credit based on transcripts from your previous high school. This will allow you to complete the program in less time. We recommend meeting with your academic coach to determine how your transfer credit will be evaluated by the online high school program.

To apply for the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation’s Online High School Diploma Tuition Scholarship, contact Program Coordinator Linda Perkins at or call 302-765-8007 to learn more about the enrollment process. 

When embarking on a new learning experience, know that the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is here to support your efforts and encourage you along the way. The mission of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is to build foundations for the future by providing educational assistance to children and adults who are members of families with low to moderate incomes. Learn more about these opportunities at

Reducing the Burden of Student Loan Debt

In many cases, missed opportunities can lead to misfortunes. If it’s been years since you missed the opportunity to earn your high school diploma, the opportunity has not passed. In fact, there are many financial, academic and social benefits to returning to school to receive that much-needed certificate. 

While work obligations and financial strain leads many to put off their quest to earn a high school diploma, it’s possible with the help of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation. Our organization is pleased to announce the online high school diploma tuition scholarship as part of our partnership with Career Online High School in Ohio to provide free tuition to students who are 16 years of age or older and want to earn their high school diploma. 

To qualify, you must be a resident in good standing of a property owned by Leon N. Weiner & Associates or managed by Arbor Management, LLC and a U.S. citizen or legal resident of the U.S. Let’s explore the benefits of earning a high school diploma.

Over the years, rising student loan debt has created a financial burden for college students and recent graduates.

Financial Stability

Did you know that individuals who possess a high school diploma earn more than those who do not have this certificate? On average, high school graduates earn typically $4 more per hour than individuals who do not have a high school diploma, according to the Economic Policy Institute. To break this down further, you could earn a minimum of $10,000 more each year than those who do not have a high school diploma, according to U.S. Census Bureau reports. 

A higher paycheck allows you the financial freedom to support yourself and a family while also opening the door to advance within your chosen career. It’s also more likely that you will qualify for positions that offer retirement plans or pensions to safeguard your financial future. 

Career Opportunities

Without a high school diploma, many individuals struggle to find work that pays a living wage. Not only does a high school diploma provide you with lifelong skills and knowledge to make more informed decisions, but it also boosts your opportunities within a variety of industries. Employers are seeking individuals who have graduated high school because it showcases that you’ve gained a knowledge base necessary for problem solving and critical thinking. 

In addition, a high school diploma opens the door to further your education. For instance, if you plan to enter the restaurant industry, many employers may assist with paying for continuing education, college or management classes that enhance your skills to advance within the company. 

According to recent unemployment rates, an individual with a high school diploma is more likely to be employed when compared to those without high school diplomas. Continuing your education reduces your risk of unemployment. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate averages at 2.5 percent for college graduates, 5.3 percent for individuals with a high school diploma and 7.7 percent for individuals who have not graduated high school. When considering the statistics, it’s clear to see that the more education you obtain, the more employable you will be over time. 

One benefit to a high school diploma that is overlooked is how it can improve your health long term. When you qualify for better career opportunities, it’s more likely that you will have access to health insurance and medical care provided and paid for by your employer. Not only will you enhance your skills and emerge as a more well-rounded person after obtaining a high school diploma, but you will also have more access to the healthcare necessary to improve your quality of life. 

Enhanced Skill Set

One misconception is that you must have a college degree to perform well on the job. Although continued education offers many benefits, a high school diploma sets the foundation for your learning. Employers know that individuals with a high school diploma have put in the work necessary to graduate and they understand that you’ve gained practical skills and life skills by achieving this goal. Obtaining a high school diploma requires dedication and hard work, which are skills and traits that employers seek out. 

Combined with on-the-job experience and your past employment history, earning a high school diploma sets you apart from other applicants when applying for entry-level or mid-level positions. Your education showcases that you are willing to learn, which is a strong transferrable skill that employers in every industry seek out in job candidates. Earning a high school diploma is a commitment. Achieving this goal shows employers that when you are committed to a task – no matter how difficult – you follow through.

A Pathway to College

If you dream of obtaining a college degree, the first step is to earn your high school diploma. This certificate affords you with the skills and knowledge to not only succeed in your chosen career path, but also continue your education at a college or university. In many cases, colleges prefer or require a high school diploma for admission. This gives you more of an opportunity to expand your knowledge base, but also increase your earning potential and job opportunities. 

Many colleges and universities offer two-to-four-year programs with accelerated degree options and certificate programs within a variety of industry specializations. From culinary classes to general education courses, the sky is the limit when you have your high school diploma needed for college admission. 

A Sense of Accomplishment

While it’s common to seek out earning a high school diploma for career advancement and financial stability, don’t underestimate the sense of accomplishment and pride you will experience after meeting this goal. A high school diploma program takes dedication and commitment that is worth the end result. As you finish each homework assignment, test, presentation or group project, you will have a sense of pride that offers intrinsic rewards that only you can offer yourself. 

Learning to balance home, work and school life can be a challenge. However, it is something you can achieve. When working with a personal mentor from our partners at Career Online High School, you will learn more about the effort and commitment needed to succeed. Having a helping hand along for the journey provides you with the motivation you need to excel academically and financially. 

Tuition Assistance for a High School Diploma

The Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation has partnered with Career Online High School to offer tuition assistance for residents of our properties. You can earn a high school diploma in as little as 10-18 months by dedicating 10-12 hours each week to your studies. Through this high school diploma assistance program, students must complete eight lessons or one semester per week to stay on pace and earn one credit per month. 

The scholarship requirements require that you complete the first half credit within the first two weeks to ‘test drive’ the program. The first 30 days serves as a probationary period. If you’re apprehensive about the workload, know that Career Online High School offers academic support. Once you are enrolled in Part 2 of the program, you are assigned an academic coach who will guide you through the program and help you establish academic and career goals. 

If you have earned some credits at an accredited high school, you also may qualify for credit based on transcripts from your previous high school. This will allow you to complete the program in less time. We recommend meeting with your academic coach to determine how your transfer credit will be evaluated by the online high school program.

To apply for the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation’s Online High School Diploma Tuition Scholarship, contact Program Coordinator Linda Perkins at or call 302-765-8007 to learn more about the enrollment process. 

When embarking on a new learning experience, know that the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is here to support your efforts and encourage you along the way. The mission of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation is to build foundations for the future by providing educational assistance to children and adults who are members of families with low to moderate incomes. Learn more about these opportunities at